Terro 300 Pre-Filled Liquid Ant Killer II Baits, 6-Pack


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Terro 300 Pre-Filled Liquid Ant Killer II Baits, 6-Pack Review. Pre-filled - Ready-to-Use!Kills All Common Household Ants...

 "like a kegger for ants" 2009-04-15
By Rocco (Philadelphia)

After a frustrating week with Raid and Hotshot ant baits (in the end, i opened them carefully and the bait cakes were utterly untouched!), I tracked down this product at a select Walgreens. We cracked two traps and it was like free beer and pizza for ants. I really enjoyed watching them line up to imbibe deeply the rich toxic borate brew. And then scurry, nay stagger, back to their nest to share their plunder with their unsuspecting siblings and the mother queen. Yes, drink my friends. Drink deeply.

 "Little Jonestowns for Ants" 2010-01-23
By Boom (Newbury Park, CA)

It's not cyanide-laced grape Flavor Aid, but this stuff is like liquid crack to ants. No more foggers to turn your house into a Bhopal disaster. Now you can pretend to be the Jim Jones of the ant world.

Word to the wise: read the directions. Obviously, the people who rated this product with one star can't read. This product does not kill on contact or immediately. It destroys the ants' digestive system so it takes a little time. This is good because ants pass food between each other. By the time ants start dropping dead, the whole colony has had the Flavor Aid. This means the queen and the baby ants get the Jimmy-juice, too. All to the tune of Danzig's "Last Caress."

Heck, you'll be happier than Che Guevara killing masses of innocent people in the name of the Proletariat. You'll be chanting, "El Che Vive," and before you know it you'll be immortalized on little red ant shirts by idiot ant kids who have no clue you killed innocent ant women and ant children for little more than "getting on your toothbrush" or "walking around aimlessly by my sink."

PS: It is also a great way to figure out where the heck they're coming from. Then after they're all destroyed, you can seal up the spot with some caulk or duct tape.

 "The only ant baits that actually work" 2006-07-31
By Martin Anderson (Santa Ana, CA United States)

I live in Southern California, and whenever it gets really hot or it rains, ants invade our house. I've tried every brand of ant bait and these are the only ones that the ants actually take. Every other brand that I've tried, the ants just walk right around the bait. With this one, they start eating it within one hour and by three hours, there are several lines of ants taking the bait. Within 24 hours, they're all gone.

 "It has worked the best for me" 2007-07-27

I have tried just about everything to get rid of ants... hundreds of dollars because my house was getting constantly invaded. In my research I found out you can't just spray ants, that will even make things worse as the queen just makes even more eggs when workers go missing.

You need something that is slow acting and the workers take it back to the nest and share their little treasures with the queen ants.

All the ant baits I put out the ants basically ignore except for this product. It must be really yummy to those sweet loving ants because they go crazy for Terro. And guess what, this product just uses Borax so people who are into organic gardening recommend it. If you have pets and children, you won't have to worry with this product.

So you can place this in your house where the ants are marching and within a few days, they will start thinning out. In a week, the nest is wiped out.

Best bet is to place them outside your house on the house perimeter with two or three on each side of the house. That way, you eliminate the root of the problem. Terro also has another product designed for outside but it is more expensive and I find these traps work fine outside. The opening of this trap faces down so rain can't get into it.

The only thing about those ants... its a constant battle. Even after you eliminate the nests, they will be back again in maybe 6 months. But at least you have a respite.

 "ANTS B GONE!!!" 2007-07-20
By Carol Pogroszewski (Big Bear City, California)

Oh my gosh, a product that actually works as it says it will, within an hour there was such a huge line going to this bait it was comical just watching them, they were like kids in a candy store, tonight I see only 4 ants left, this worked so fast it is just amazing! Can't wait until I get up in the morning to see if there are any ants left. Try this product you will not be sorry, it works!

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