Agri Zap RZU001 Rat Zapper Ultra


fat loss factor review

Agri Zap RZU001 Rat Zapper Ultra Review. The new, larger Rat Zapper Ultra offers you more kills and longer stand-by times. Perfect for larger rats (and mice too!), ongoing rodent infestations and commercial applications. Larger chamber than the Rat Zapper Classic. Bait with ordinary pet food. Mice and rats enter the chamber and are dispatched with a quick but powerful jolt of electricity. If they'll fit in the chamber, Rat Zapper will dispatch them! No blood, no gore, no mess, and no poisons to endanger your pets or the environment. Flashing kill light tells you when you have a catch; simply tip the Rat Zapper and let the dead rodent slide into the trash can. Dimensions: approximately 4" x 4-3/4" X 11-1/2". Approximately 30 kills with one set of 4 alkaline "D" Cell batteries. Easy to use, and reusable. Not an ultrasonic device. Optional remote monitoring with the Rat Zapper Rat Tale. Can be combined with other units as part of the Rat Zapper Battle Station....

 "Finally, a better mousetrap!" 2006-10-30
By Eric Sammons (Gaithersburg, MD United States)

My family moved into our current house five years ago, and our first autumn here we discovered that our house was a quite popular Fall Resort in the mouse world. :(

In those five years, we've tried a large number of ways to stop this yearly invasion:

- Traditional Traps

They simply didn't work. Either the mouse could eat the bait without triggering the trap, or it would catch the mouse without killing it - which was pretty disgusting. I did find one type of traditional trap that worked, but then it was discontinued.

- Glue Traps

These were basically worthless. Mice would drag them to a new location, but then free themselves without too much trouble.

- Poison

This was a fun solution - I would go into my basement (where I work) and smell a week-dead mouse that I couldn't find.

- "Don't Ask, Don't Tell"

One year I simply didn't bother to try to catch them; I was too exhausted from previous attempts. I figured as long as they stayed hidden, I would ignore their existence. This option didn't go over too well with the wife.

After all this frustration, I figured I would try the Rat Zapper. All I can say is: IT WORKS! I caught 6 mice in the first 48 hours I had it set up, and disposing of the mice and resetting the trap was clean and easy. Best of all, I can use this trap for years to come; it no longer has to be a yearly experiment to see how I can catch our rodent visitors.

 "It does the job!" 2007-08-21
By R. Fu (California)

I have a rat problem in my attic. After searching around for solutions, this product appears to have the best solution to help with my rat problem. So far my Rat Zapper Ultra has caught 5 rats, and it is still going strong. I read some reviews complaining about battery life, I belive they are refering to the original Raz Zapper, not the Ultra version. The difference is that the Ultra version uses 'D' size batteries, which last much longer than the 'AA' used in the regular Rat Zapper. I have my rat zapper on for the last 3 month and the batteries are still ok. When it comes to catching rats, the fine details really matters. It is not easy to get them to take the bait. The bait that comes with the Rat Zapper didn't work at all. The rats don't care them at all. I had paced some of those bait outside the trap, and the rats won't even eat them. What I find works really well is peanut butter. What I do is use a glob of peanut butter about the size of a quater, and place it on a sheet of candy paper(I use the black circular paper from See's candy). The placement of the peanut butter should be skewed to one edge of the paper. Place the peanut butter bait inside the trap such that the peanut butter is just touching the metal grill at the end of the trap. That way, a rat can stick his paw in and get some sample of the peanut butter from outside of the cage. In addition, I smear a tiny amount of peanut butter on the outside of the metal grill to attract the rats, and gurantee that they can get a free sample. The rats just love peanut butter. When ever I have a catch, I notice that the peanut butter on the grill is alway licked clean by the rat, and they just can't resist going in to get the rest of the peanut butter once they have a good taste of the stuff. Another important procedure is to always wear disposable glove when handling the trap and bait material. Rats have really keen sense of smell. They tend to stay away from things with people smell. Wearing disposable gloves will help reduce the chance of transfering any scent to the bait and trap.

The key feature of this product that sold me was the optional Rat Tale attachment. Since my trap is paced in the attic and I don't want to climb up to the attic daily to check on the trap, the Rat Tale is a great option to have. Rat Tale is a remote monitoring attachment to the Rat Zapper Ultra and it notifies me by flashing red light when ever there is a catch, so I only need to climb up to the attic when I see the Rat Tale flashing. One draw back of the Rat Tale is that is uses it's own internal battery for power and I'm sometimes worried that it might run out of power before I noice that there has been a catch. I really prefer to deal with the catch while it is fresh than to deal with smelly decomposed mess. The Rat tale is rated to run flashing alert for 20 days, so maybe it's not really an issue if you check on it on a regular basis.

The Rat Zapper Ultra is a great mess free trap. Add the Rat Tale, it is truely convient when the trap needs to be place at inconvient locations. For total cost of $68 for both, it is turely worth it. There are other more expensive traps with true wireless remote monitoring ability out there, but they are very expensive. The Rat Zapper Ultra is the best solution for the lowest cost. I only wish I bought this earlier before I hade experimented with glue traps and snap traps. The glue traps and snap traps are messy and they don't work well at all.

 "Electifying!" 2005-10-09
By Kairi

Finally a Zapper with more voltage! Now I can really sizzle those mice. I was previously getting rid of them with the regular Zapper that only uses 4 AA batteries; I really felt it wasn't enough. I had to modify my current Zapper MacGuyver-style to use the electrical outlet in addition to a high-voltage amplifier, outputing well over 120-volts of pure lightning. You can tell when you've gotten a mouse because you here a slight crackling sound like those Pop Pop Snaps fireworks you buy on the 4th of July. Also a bit of smoke if you get there quick enough. It's not uncommon to have the Zapper tip over on it's side due to the mouse getting thrown against the walls of the Zapper - those mice don't know what hit them. Science rules! *cackling*

 "The Rat Zapper really works!" 2006-12-19
By Brian Marine (Poughkeepsie, NY)

After reading a number of positive reviews here, I ordered the Rat Zapper Ultra to try and take care of a pretty serious mouse problem we were having. After receiving the unit, I baited it with the provided food (dog food, I think). But the next morning, we had no kills ... yet we did have more mouse droppings. So the next night I decided to use some of my own dog's dry food (which I knew the mice loved since they had eaten their way into a large bag of it stored in our basement). That did the trick! From that night on, I found a dead mouse every night for 11 straight nights. And that has completely solved our mouse problem ... one which I would have paid between $200 - $500 to have an exterminator do. So I highly recommend this product, as it works as advertised.

 "Works every time - AMAZING!" 2006-08-04
By Howard Benson (Calabasas, CA USA)

Just got it 4 days ago. In 4 days - 4 mice/rats!! Almost like clockwork. I have to say, when you look at em after they get it, they really look like the picture on the case, arms splayed out, teeth bared, and dead. No fuss, no bleeding , just dead.

fat loss factor review