Victor M231 Ultimate Flea Trap Refills, Pack of 3


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Victor M231 Ultimate Flea Trap Refills, Pack of 3 Review. These flea trap refills have a sweet odor inserted in the specially formulated sticky glue disc. Fleas don¿t stand a chance. Our flea traps lets pet owners see results. The non-poisonous and odorless trap refills enable safe placement of the flea trap around children and pets....

 "The last desperate act" 2009-07-15
By Michael Wright (arkansas)

The whole idea is keep fleas out of your house. Once they have invaded What do you do? I have tried every thing, sprays, powers you name it. These have been temporary solution at best. the best response to the invasion is to trap them. Each of the invaders you trap is 200 fleas removed. Once they are trapped, no kids. Yes the trap works and it removes fleas with out the deadly chemicals. If fleas get into your house and you prefer not to kill all the other residents of your house try the traps.


 "This does the job!" 2009-06-26
By penny pincher (Georgia)

Definitely have to love this product! The fleas hop on to this sticky paper and can't hop back off again! It's also easy to change out this sticky paper so it's virtually mess free! Worth every penny!!!

 "Catches More Than Fleas" 2009-12-22
By Ursula K. Raphael (USA)

I first started using the Victor Ultimate Flea Trap when I lived in California because we had a problem with sand fleas coming in our back patio screen door. We also didn't want to use any pesticides, since we had four small house pets.

When we moved to Michigan, we continued using the traps because our child was born, and we felt even more strongly about avoiding pesticides. Although we did not have a flea problem, the traps have caught several types of spiders, the occasional house fly, a few random creepy crawlies, and even a hornet! Basically, they seem to trap anything attracted to the light/heat.

We keep them tucked away, out of sight (ex: in a back corner of our furnace room, under furniture), and in places where the pets can't get too curious -- getting a refill stuck to your skin (or dog fur) is the absolute worse.

All in all, I think we've been using these traps for nearly ten years now. The bulbs can be replaced with regular night light bulbs or the new LED bulbs.

 "it works so I bought these refills" 2010-06-27
By stature (tu)

I have the trap and am on the second sticky pad (the unit that I

bought came with two sticky pads).

So, I bought the refill pack (which comes with three sticky pads).

I use my trap in the room that the dog sleeps in. In the daytime,

the dog is not in the room, the room is made dark, blinds closed,

door closed, from morning till night. The trap gets about 3-4

fleas per day and after a month that sticky pad looks disgusting

and coated with fleas. The key for me is to keep the room dark

during the day and keep the dog out of the room. The trap is the

only source of warmth and light in the room and attracts the fleas.

This is a terrible flea season where I live, and nothing in the

yard, or frontline on the dog seems to help. I walk my dog every

day so he will always pick fleas up. In addition to the trap

I've tried nemotodes in the yard and wet down the dog and flea

comb them off my dog and drown those fleas in soapy water about

two to three times per week. I've also got diatomaceous earth

rubbed into his bedding. I vacuum frequently.

This trap thing is great because its

no work compared to all the other things I do to fight fleas.

So I recommend buying these refills

 "its a refill" 2009-10-21
By James F. Snider (Philly)

Works just as good an original that came with trap. This product is great for keeping a watch out for fleas. If you have a pest co. you can just show them the trap and say look I still have fleas. If this is the only light on at night and if you have a flea in the house it will be on this trap in the morning.

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